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Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Bethie
Post Number: 1236 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - 04:55 pm: |
Okay, so I'm not a spider and you're not a fly, but come on in anyway! I just wanted to say hello and welcome you all to our new area. This is an area where you can come and get to know your fellow denizens in a relaxed atmosphere. The rest of the site consists of discussion areas and is more structured. Here, you can let your hair down, play a little, set up a cyber scene to play out, and get to know each other in a less structured enviroment. This is not a cyber play room which many of you are used to. Some of us are in relationships and have no desire to engage in cyber spanking, others will feel differently; it just depends on the individual so please don't automatically engage in that type of interaction without asking first. All the site rules apply here as everywhere else on the forum so please be aware of that. If you decide to engage in role-play, please remember, you cannot include age-play or any age-play terms and don't set up schoolroom scenes or anything like that which comes too close to age-play. We will delete those threads. There are plenty of adult themes to work with so it shouldn't hamper you. This isn't a chat room so coming onto a thread and posting "hi" isn't appropriate. Save that type of conversation for the chat room. That's what it's there for. You can always talk in the chat room while you post here if you want. Try to keep the flow of the thread going. Remember to stay respectful. Get to know the person or persons you're talking to (which is what this area is for). If you want to engage in some cyber play, ask first and if that person is receptive, have fun. And please don't comment on what others are doing if you have no interest in what's going on and don't disrupt play between other members. If there is a problem, alert the mods. I want everyone to feel comfortable in this area and enjoy themselves. This is our recreation room and I want everyone to make the most of it. Let me start with this little introduction. For those of you who don't know me, I'm in love with a spanko man and we've been together for three years now. He's Dan, aka Spank Boss, and I met him on a spanking forum three and a half years ago. We did our share of cyber flirting and playing before we got together and it was a great beginning for us. That's why I wanted this type of area for my forum. Since I'm crazy in love and (normally) gets lots of r/l spankings, I'm not interested in cyber spanking. But I do like to talk about spanking and I like having a fun place to interact with other spankos. I'll be happy to join in the fun but I have absolutely no interest in being cyber spanked or topped. I consider topping someone who isn't yours rude and I will take your head off if you try it. Sorry if that was blunt, but I really want to make that point clear now before I get started here. I'm in love with a dominant man and have him 24/7 so I don't need anyone else trying to take on that role for me. Have I scared everyone off yet? Okay, if you're still with me and want to say a few words, you can start here. If you have any questions, ask away. You can also tell us what you'd like to see in this area or just tell us a little about yourself and your spanking interests. Let's get the party started!  |
Spanko Username: Tplayer
Post Number: 187 Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 03:37 pm: |
Hey Bethie, another fun place. Thanks for setting it up. I am living vicariously through others' r/l experiences right now, so I'll just enjoy what you all have to add to this room!! It's all a matter of perspective
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3053 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 03:57 pm: |
Tplayer this room is not just for r/l experiences, it is to play or discuss your fantasies. I'm sure you have a lot to contribute. Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Bethie
Post Number: 1240 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 09:31 pm: |
Fanny's right, Tplayer! This is an especially good place for you to try out a few of your fantasies or play around with some ideas. We're here to socialize and have a little fun and it doesn't matter what kind of experiences you have or haven't had, we're all spankos here and that's what's important.  |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3055 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 11:14 pm: |
I just love being right  Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Spanko Username: Kiwi_man
Post Number: 250 Registered: 08-2005
| Posted on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 02:51 am: |
Really,Fanny? Well hmmm. |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3057 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Friday, February 02, 2007 - 11:46 am: |
Have a problem with that Mr. Kiwi? Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Spanko Username: Buenaventura
Post Number: 425 Registered: 04-2006

| Posted on Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 08:06 am: |
Hmmmmm hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm  |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Bethie
Post Number: 1252 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Saturday, February 03, 2007 - 01:16 pm: |
Being right is so much fun...especially if it means one of our toppy guys is wrong, right Fanny? Of course, you have to be careful. The last time I did an "I"m right and you're wrong" celebration dance, Dan mistook it for a "I need a good spanking" dance. Funny how that happens. I just wish that stupid rubber spatula hadn't been so handy.  |
New member Username: Davids
Post Number: 1 Registered: 02-2007
| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 02:29 pm: |
I have had my spanking fantasies for a l-o-n-g time and am now just starting to join in the real life stuff. I regularly checkout as well as They are both as entertaining as can be and well worth the visit. I enjoy cyber-stuff but am not sure how this space works so.... I will sit on my little bum in a quiet corner and watch the pro's in action. --David psst .... Just so I won't be accused of lurking ... I am taking notes and learning. And am looking forward to participating when I have things figured out. --David (Message edited by davids on February 04, 2007) |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3060 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 03:42 pm: |
Oh Bethie, you are so right! Someone has to take the upper hand in dealing with these toppy men. Please don't tell me the obvious that I will most likely pay dearly for the above statement. I was just itching to make that remark.  Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3061 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 03:46 pm: |
David, it appears everyone is being rather shy is getting this thread moving, so please do not hesitate to get this motor running. As an aside, Mr Kiwi and Mr. Buena, I consider your remarks to infer that you have something else to add to this discussion besides the brillantly worded "hmmmmm" Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Spanko Username: Prissietl
Post Number: 117 Registered: 07-2006

| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 03:51 pm: |
Get um Fanny,Get um!!!  Once a princess always a princess
New member Username: Davids
Post Number: 2 Registered: 02-2007
| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 05:16 pm: |
Fanny, my man-brain just isn't getting the picture. What kind of topics do you want here that aren't done in the other areas? Something needs kick-starting but I can't figure out what. I'll go back into the corner, sitting on my bum, taking notes. --David |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3062 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 - 06:08 pm: |
David, The rest of the forum is more formal with discussions of real life situations. This area is more for fantasies or play. This is where those who enjoy engaging in appropriate role play or want to "try out" a fantasy that they are hesitant to within real life can experiment. Example: I once had an fantasy about being spanked outdoors (since fullfilled a few times over). Others may want to play with being spanked/or spanking a same gender partner or playing a dominent role when in real life they are not. Some of our currently inactive members may want to set up a scenario that feels real life to them. As long as no one is pushing their wishes on another member who is made uncomfortable, members can enagage in many activities. An example may be a member who really wants to be held accountable for a habit they want to stop and another member can step in to be their mentor. Get creative or just let your wildest fantasies take over. No one here really knows you and you will not be judged. Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
New member Username: Scubasteve7
Post Number: 22 Registered: 12-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - 11:36 pm: |
Seeing as to howo I have been out of practicce, this will take time to get back into the swing of things. In this case, it would be spanking(s). Good to see all of you again as I have my cable internet going again Here's to the top, here's to the bottom, here's to the middle and hope we all get a little (spanking that is, be it pants down, skirt up or such other)
New member Username: Scubasteve7
Post Number: 23 Registered: 12-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - 11:40 pm: |
I am continuously being told to "behave yourself" by a close female nurse/friend of mine. It would not bother me in the least bit if she applied her hand across my backside. Here's to the top, here's to the bottom, here's to the middle and hope we all get a little (spanking that is, be it pants down, skirt up or such other)
New member Username: Monkeymomsc1
Post Number: 18 Registered: 05-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 - 04:50 pm: |
New member Username: Missy
Post Number: 5 Registered: 07-2007
| Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2007 - 06:09 pm: |
Okay, so I see this thread is few days old - but maybe someone will continue on? Fantasy spanking? Hmmmmmm....I'm sure I can come up with atleast one! I live on a lake. (I really really do) The moon is shining, the stars are out and it is a warm summer evening. On this paticular night we are strolling down to the boat dock and decide to take a canoe out into the darkness. It is quiet except for the canoe gliding through the water. Then, he asks me..."do you know why I took you out here?" To which I reply that I do not. "You don't remember being my naughty girl not two hours ago?" Oh, that. I almost forgot about THAT. "You could have gotten hurt" he tells me. I know, I'm sorry honey, really. I didn't think.... But, of course that doesn't work. "Assume position my dear" I'm told. uh oh. We're in the canoe, I can't go anywhere, I can't squirm or we'll tip! Slowly, I pull down my shorts and underwear. There really is no point in argueing with him - I know he's right. I flip over in my seat and expose my bare bottom to him. "How fast are we suppose to drive home?" he asks me. "45 mph" (I'm sulking now, my bottom is exposed and he is asking me questions instead of just getting this over with) "And how fast were you going?" ohhhhhhh, I wish he'd just spank my bottom and let me cover up! "I was going 60 - but I was being careful!" "NO, you were NOT!" and with that the first smack hit squarely across my bottom. The canoe swayed a little. The sound reverberated across the water like a fire cracker had gone off. "You were going 15 miles above the speed limit, they are posted for a reason young lady! You will be getting 45 spankings so you will remember the 45 mph you are suppose to be going" And with that, his hand comes down on my bottom again, and again, and again. "I'm sorry honey, please stop!" But he just keeps spanking until my punishment is over. When he's done, he tells me I can pull my panties and shorts back up and moves close to hold me in his arms. "I'm sorry I had to spank you honey" he tells me. "You have to learn to be safe though!" I know, I cry softly into his shoulder a bit - and then once I calm down he points out the constellations to me tells me how much he loves me, and lets me just lay in his arms until we are both too sleepy to stay awake. Then he rows us back in, we dock the canoe and go to bed. Of course, once in bed we have to make love before actually going to sleep! |
New member Username: Monkeymomsc1
Post Number: 33 Registered: 05-2007
| Posted on Saturday, August 25, 2007 - 04:06 pm: |
my fantasy: oh remember officer & a gentleman. i would looooove for mr.r to show up at my office one day, throw me over his shoulder and walk out of there. imagine the looks on my very conservative coworkers faces. he would have to give me a good smack on the way out so i would know what was coming. i can see the grin on his handsome face now. once he got me to where ever he was taking me, the whole public place/ possibility of getting caught thing ya know, and laid in to my backside. oh good grief, all the tools of the trade waiting for him to use, mm mm mmm. i'll have to think of a good way to tell him about this. maybe it wont stay a fantasy. |