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New member Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 1 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - 11:26 am: |
I have been reading the Spanking Den posts with considerable interest for about two years. I'm a single male, a longtime spanking enthusiast, and would like to make some friends. I have given OTK spankings to approximately eight women over the years. All were eager to receive them. It was a big turn-on for each one of them, although one later pretended she was not turned-on at all and became abusive. I am scrupulous about obeying limits and employing safe words and she knew perfectly well she could have stopped the play any time she'd had enough. At the time she was frisky and horny as could be, so her later disavowal was exceedingly unconvincing. It wasn't even very hard a spanking, just a play one. It ended our friendship, which is just as well, as I dislike dishonesty in the bedroom. The other women were without exception fully into it. A couple of them revealed I'd fulfilled a lifetime fantasy for them. I like women who are comfortable with their desires. What magnificent bottoms they had, too!! I believe calling spanking a "kink" is a misnomer. Too many people are into it. And I do not believe it really is about pain. It's about play-acting, and power, and other dynamics. I'm positive that none of the women I have spanked are into pain per se. But a little fanny-toasting never hurt anybody! Anyway. I'm here, if anybody would like to chat. |
New member Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 7 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 09:24 am: |
I can give a little insight into how I feel or what I need (altho we are all different), as a 'bottom', pain is part of the element....but it is much more than that....for me, it is more psychological... I have felt these interests for as long as I can remember. I do not like role play....but I am extremely turned on when my husband tells me what to wear, making a large part of it about being dominated...It is the entire game for me...I need & crave many elements to fulfill my need....starting with the anticipation after being told what he plans to do to me, I want the feeling of being in 'trouble' so to speak, a reason behind the spanking, I dont seem eager or happy to recieve (as this would ruin the game for me), & like to be a little scared of what is about to happen...I dont want pain right away, but I do want pain, something to push my only problem is the more I recieve, the more I crave it, even tho I may still be sore or bruised & know the pain will come immediate & cant take nearly as much.....& our 'play' is purely erotic.... Hope this may explain a little more on the perspective of one 'bottom' :o) |
New member Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 12 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 09:40 am: |
Mbottom, you are right, the psychology is a crucial element. And yes, pain is a big element, too.....but "pain" is complicated. Very few people are true sadists, who crave the most intense pain that can be inflicted upon them. But many people love to explore the shadowlands where pain and pleasure merge. As I've posted elsewhere, even people who would be appalled and disgusted at the notion of sexual spanking might well themselves engage in some mild form of sexual pain, such as scratching one's partner's back during intercourse, or giving a little love nip on the chest or shoulder. That's the mild end of the spectrum, but there is a spectrum....and spanking is somewhere in the middle. And I've read that mammals like to do this. They like intensity of sensation. Much as many would like to box this within the realm of psychology, I think there is a major physiological basis for it. In other words, you're born with it, you are not a sicko. This message cannot be overemphasized. |
New member Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 10 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 09:53 am: |
Warmpalm, I can say I WAS born with it!! It wasnt till recently that I didnt feel like a sicko, I think I may have even used those words when emailing my husband about it...for years I have felt as if there is something wrong with me, I am just now starting to be comfortable with myself in this...I am thrilled to have found someone that would never judge, but indulge me in giving me what I need!! Pain is definately complicated, as the spanking starts as pleasurable, the pain that intensifies is not, but is craved for the experience to be what I need it to be...I def am not a sadist...I can handle a lot of pain, but I dont do this for the pain...It is the experience as a whole and how I feel afterwards...warm & cozy!! Its nice to be able to share my feelings without feeling ashamed!!  |
New member Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 13 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 10:32 am: |
I once saw a great bumper sticker: FEELING GUILTY? SHAME ON YOU!!!! My one bad experience in the scene was with that woman who became abusive afterwards. I know she was enjoying the spanking when she was getting it. She was responding, asking for me to spank her harder, and she eventually came. But then shame overwhelmed her. And instead of being honest with me about these emotions, with which I could easily have helped her, she turned on me, called me a sick pervert, and so forth. Such was my insecurity at the time that I felt horrible!! But now I am secure in myself. Too bad she couldn't accept herself, as she'd be a lot less tortured. Your husband sounds like a good guy. |
New member Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 14 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 10:46 am: |
I own a copy of Wolfgang Mozart's letters. He was very much in love with his wife Constanze, and sent her many saucy letters when he was apart from her. One letter concludes with "how could you even think I would not miss you....even for thinking such a thing you will receive a thorough spanking on your lovable, kissable behind, and this you can count on!" As one biographer pointed out, what was remarkable about this letter was that Constanze Mozart, as a widow, did not suppress it!! She and her second husband allowed it to become public. Now, that's a woman comfortable in her (slightly reddened) skin! |
New member Username: Brandspankingnew
Post Number: 5 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 03:38 pm: |
@warmpalm....I am not as into the psychological aspect of spanking Mbottom as I wish I was ...for her sake..but I enjoy so much from the experience that lingers into the following days. I know this sounds like a psychological aspect, however I enjoy being in control or her and her soon to be pink is not the act its self for me but rather a feeling of closeness that no other has had with tho she was a virgin......either way I am glad she opened up and has allowed me to ASSist her with her warming needs...I can't wait until the next time I am able to feel how hot her round button will be after the next session...I just hope I can continue to satisfy her no matter how deep we get into our sexual deviences... |
New member Username: Buddhaboy
Post Number: 1 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 08:17 pm: |
Hello all. I'm a brand 'spanking' new member. (sorry, had to do it) I've been reading your posts with interest but must admit to being a bit sad. My wife def doesn't like the spanking but a lady i know does, but only with sex which is diffucult so i don't relly get to play. would still like to talk about it tho and who knows, i might have something to post soon! thanks |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 20 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 08:43 pm: |
Buddhaboy......nice to meet you...sorry to hear about your issues....Hope something works out for you.  |
New member Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 15 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 06:23 pm: |
Mbottom: you sound like you have a good spanking relationship with your husband. Was he the first guy who spanked you? Did you have the too-common scenario of dates with guys who didn't get it, or couldn't get it, or worse---guys whom you couldn't work up the nerve to talk to about it? It took me a long time before I could mention my interest in spanking with a woman. No man wants to scare off a partner, or worse, have it bruited about that he is a sadistic sicko! But I know women have problems being open about this, too. What was it like for you when you were single? |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 21 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 09:45 am: |
Warmpalm.....It has been in my daily thoughts for as long as I can remember....but when I was dating, It would have horrified me to bring it up to ANYONE!!! I did eventually bring it up to one boyfriend of a few years, in a letter....he would give love taps every now & then, but no real spanking... As a matter of fact, he kind of just wrote it off, like I said nothing...The fact that was the first time I thought to try to share it with a partner & he wrote me off, I hid my desires more & felt even more ashamed... When I started dating my husband, early into our relationship, I remember one time we were wrestling around & he said 'dont make me turn you over my knees'...OMG...the chills that ran thru my body I cannot explain...but thats all the further it went, for years...We discussed it a little more, when he was stationed states away & I didnt have to face him...& we tried a few times, but I hadnt shared with him what I truly needed from the experience & I think he may have felt a little strange about the act or hurting me, & it quickly stopped...We have been together for 17 years & just within the past few months I felt like I HAD to finally say something, before I burst!! Since we have been together so long, Im figuring this time when I brought it up, he was intrigued & excited....(By the way...when he posted above, he was busy & meant to say 'its not JUST the act for me', instead of 'its not the act for me' goodness)....He wanted to hear more & more about my desires...So still today, we continue sending emails back n forth about where we wanna take this experience and what we would like to try...Things are going great & its seems he cant get enough either & that dominance in him is VERY sexually appealing to me!! I got lucky, thats all there is to say about it.....I have read so many posts from people who dont get what they need, partners wont indulge them, & frustration....I know how they feel & am proud of myself for sharing with my husband, finally, & seem to be living in a fantasy world that includes my desires, nearly daily....We have both brought up concerns to each other, that we are worried (about each other) boring of our role in this play....But I can assure you, IT WONT BE ME....The more I get, the more I want!! I dont understand the cravings for more, but its something I cant curb, so I guess I just go with it. I hope that you will find what you need too!! I can say that over the years, a lot of my (girl) friends also enjoyed being spanked....I, of course, was not the one to bring that up in conversation...But once they did, I was able to share w them...So, I happen to think there is a well supplied pool of women who would love to be in a relationship where she was getting spanked on a normal basis. |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 16 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 11:59 am: |
It's interesting that we are so ashamed about our sexual desires. It isn't as though we chose them, any more than we chose which hand we write with. Or spank with!!! I envy the relative sexual frankness of women in conversation with one another. That a "lot" of your girlfriends have confided their fondness for being spanked is flabbergasting to me. And it is so great!! You must have a very nonjudgmental air about you. I don't imagine one straight man out of ten thousand would talk about this kind of thing with his male pals. (Maybe gay men are just as reticent, but I have no personal intuition there, not being gay.) It would be interesting for you to speculate about why you held back sharing your desires with your husband for so long. Assuming he's not a violent guy who would exploit such a revelation, I don't know what you had to lose. Even if it wasn't something he was inclined to get into, he might be happy to spank you simply because you enjoyed it. Even if he said he couldn't bring himself to do this, I doubt he'd judge you harshly. I see it as an absolutely wonderful compliment when a woman confides in me what she wants, sexually. It means she trusts me and is attracted to me. I have known several grown women with "daddy" fantasies. I played along, quite happily. If it turns them on it turns me on. Who doesn't want a sexually responsive partner, even if it means one has to wear a rubber chicken's head before sex!! (I haven't yet. That day may come. Cluck, cluck.) (Message edited by warmpalm on May 20, 2011) |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 22 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 01:20 pm: |
My reasoning behind not telling my husband everything is due to my being ashamed of my desires, it isnt really looked at as the norm amongst 'vanilla' people...Which I kinda assume people are, until you get to know them better...So, after hints here & there and trying a couple times, I just felt as if he wasnt interested and absolutley didnt want him feeling like he had to indulge me if it was something that turned him off...I would never want that & it would ruin the experience for me, I would rather keep my desires to myself and my fantasies...He is not a violent man, nor did I think I would lose my marriage over it...I think it is just that part of us that doesnt want to feel stupid or rejected...He is VERY enthusiastic and feels immensely trusted that I did share everything with him & has told me that I could tell him anything and he wouldnt look at me any different...& willing to try whatever I may feel I want sexually...I was just simply scared of having him see me in maybe a different light...When you first start having sexual relationships, spanking is not one of the things that is out there & normal to all...& it definately isnt talked about...which always made me feel like something had to be wrong with me...Why would I want to be spanked, why would I want to be in pain, why would I want to be humiliated?? So, to save face, it was just easier to keep it to myself...I only feel comfortable sharing my feelings with people who have the same feelings...My husband asks how I can be so detailed in wording or expressing how I want things to be when he cant, when it comes to spanking....Why....Because it is something I have ALWAYS looked for, read about, fantasized about & definately couldnt get enough of, the word alone used to do enough for me to be embarassed & completely turned on, I have been living with this my entire life...Of course I know exactly how I want it to be!! LOL... & Yes, women are wonderful, we are very touchy and emotional beings...All of my friends who have brought it up were not shy women & very sexually open...Which gave me someone to talk to when I thought I was the only one out there that feels the way I do...Of course not all of the aspects of spanking were the same for us, but everyone is different in what they need for the full experience & happiness....I am left with only one of those few friends still in my life today & thankful I dont have to hide my life from her... :o) |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 17 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 02:05 pm: |
As I've said elsewhere on one of these threads, spanking may be coming out of the closet the way oral sex finally did. Some people surely still think oral sex is dirty or perverted, but they must be overnumbered, overwhelmingly, by people who see it as a major part of a couple's sexual repertoire. But when my parents were growing up (not that I ever discussed the subject with them!), in between the wars, oral sex was the big dirty secret. You were hopelessly sicko if you wanted to receive--or G-d forbid, engage in--oral sex. It was unnatural, perverted, a refuge for hopefully bent individuals incapable of standard sexual relationships. Now, this was the prevailing attitude. In private, needless to say, oral sex was very common. I think if we could somehow know the percentage of adults who either engage in sexual spanking or at least fantasize about it, we would be astonished!!! Slowly, very slowly, spanking is creeping into the mainstream. Attitudes can shift relatively rapidly. Twenty years ago, a Supreme Court nominee withdrew his name after it came out that he had....brace yourself.... smoked marijuana in law school. Horrors!! Now we have a president who is matter-of-fact forthright about his past use not only of dope, but of cocaine. Nobody really cares. Even the Tea Party contingent who hammer Obama about everything they can think of avoid bringing this up. They know he is not a drug fiend and that they'd look foolish implying that he is. Lots of consenting adults spank one another as a turn-on. The sun continues to rise every morning. I wonder, though....if it ever becomes mainstream, will it still be a turn-on? Somebody once asked Woody Allen if he thought sex was dirty, and he replied "if you're doing it right, it is." Good for you and your open female friends, Mbottom!!! |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 23 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 03:44 pm: |
I would have to say, even if it was fully out of the closet, it would still be a turn on to me...Just because I was born with the 'spanking gene'...So, I guess Im stuck with my desire to be spanked...I have noticed it more on regular tv programming and movies, etc...If it was more socially acceptable, maybe I wouldnt worry about someone overhearing us...  |
New member Username: Brandspankingnew
Post Number: 11 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 04:41 pm: |
@Warmpalm and Mbottom, Having Mbottom finally open up and discuss her desires to me has been one of the biggest turn ons I have ever had. Taking "M" over my knee daily or even several times a day for that matter has opened a part of us that is truly sexual heaven. Unlike Mbottom I do not have this gene or so I think, I however can not stop thinking about her perfectly shaped rear and it is driving me nuts, to the point that I am afraid she will soon get tired or bored. Honestly, I have my own sexual desires that some including M is not comfortable with, however she has indulged me with this venture as much as she can, but she has begun to do more just simply by posting on this form and opening up about her inner desires and where they came from. Warmpalm I too was interested to hear if another lover had taken her spanking virginity, and her stories as a scared girl to open up. As we talked last night I wanted to ask her that very question but was afraid that it may bring up bad times, so I did not but this is why I love this site. I am able to voice how I get off as well as M when I make her do things because she has been naughty through out the day. The other night I instructed her, after a short session with my bare hand on her bare bottom to walk over and get me the large paddle. I did this so that she would know what was going to happen to her and what to expect, I never would of known that she needed these psychological denominations had it not been for this site and spankos such as your self that can help me help her open up and bare all her desires....I want to make every possible fantasize of hers a reality Like you said it really turns me on to to know she trusts me to open up and she her secrets. |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 24 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:03 pm: |
Brandspankingnew.....I have recently read that some of us with this gene, do not in fact realize we have it, until one day something 'strikes' said gene & it comes to light....I am starting to wonder if you fall into this category...LMAO!!! I will not tire or bore of you, in any way what-so-ever....& tire of spanking, who are you kidding?? There are soooooo many different avenues to venture down with this, that we will never hit an ending... I am sure we have talked about my (lack) of a spanking past....a few are too young for such memory loss!! Just know that everything I have experienced with you, has ultimately been the first time I thouroughly enjoyed it!! Our connection & closeness we share through our entire marriage is mental & physical perfection...It just gets better from here right?? & I am happy to share my life & desires with you!!! Always & Forever. |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 18 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:18 pm: |
Boy, the two of you are certainly in a cranky mood. Hey! If you're upset with one another, best to air your differences, mustn't let them fester. That was a joke. My gosh, do you guys ever seem like a well-matched couple. Sometimes Cupid's arrow really finds its mark. Congratulations. But I'm afraid I require more details about Mbottom's perfectly shaped rear. To know, to fully comprehend the full picture. I seek knowledge and enlightenment at all times. |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 26 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:28 pm: |
*giggles*  |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 19 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:41 pm: |
"giggles" and a spinning smiley-face are sweet as pie, BUT do not constitute details! I remain ever-yearning for the full picture. "The unexamined life is not worth living." I forget who said that. Could've been a spanko for all I know! |
New member Username: Brandspankingnew
Post Number: 12 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 05:51 pm: |
Warmpalm...where do I begin? Her shape does not only start w her soon to be pink bottom(wink wink)...I hope she don't mind but to paint a pic she is 5'2" with a large dd chest a w a sexy other words she has curves that get some punishments when she takes to long to get into my desired position for her spanking. You ask about her bottom ... trust Meu are not the only with this desire...she has an ass that pops out as if it was swollen from a recent spanking, she has had this since the first day we met ...even then she will tell u guys would always give her a swift swat as she walked by...not sure how to describe it besides she has perfect formed roundness that I can't stop touching ...and licking Grrrrr...I am 20 mins from home and want to take her the closet like the other day...u want some good details u should ask her about how humiliating it was to be made to wait in the closet until I could get home and punish her for her poor behaviors.... (Message edited by brandspankingnew on May 20, 2011) |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 20 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 06:20 pm: |
So, basically, she's the Olive Oyl type, right? Or should I say Audrey Hepburn? You are a fortunate soul, BSN. Fail not to love and honor and spank her as often as required. |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 21 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 06:36 pm: |
So. Mbottom. You spent a little time in the closet. Your tummy all butterflies, no doubt. Your heart pounding like a kettledrum. Not knowing how long you'd be in there, knowing only that eventually the door would open, and your husband would drag you out and take you over to a chair? Bench? Bed? for some fanny chastisement. Am I accurately delineating the scene? Do you get spanked on your clothed bottom first? Then on your panties? And then on the bare? How does it feel to be over his knee? Is that how it is? Do you get all tingly and moist? Do you kick and resist or do you submit, acknowledging the justice of the retribution? Details, Details. We need details. |
New member Username: Brandspankingnew
Post Number: 13 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 08:53 pm: |
Wow, Mbottom was Warmpalm in the closet with us??? No pun intended....I must of stereotyped a closet spanking with out any knowledge Hehe...I am sure Mbottom can describe her time in the closet better than I so I will wait... |
Spanko Username: Mbottom
Post Number: 27 Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 09:09 pm: |
Well Warmpalm, he was on his way home from work & just wanted to give me a taste of what he said he had in store for me later...Hehe...& our closets in our bedroom are small rooms, so I was actually sitting on a chair in there....Of course there were butterflies & anxiety....what made it so much worse is I had to make an excuse to my children as to why I was disappearing was supposed to be very quick, so the kids didn't come he said he had no intention of my pants coming off....although a few swats in, he admitted he lied & they did come down for a few minutes.....(usually, yes, it is one step at a time...depending on what he asks me to wear.) I find having to bend over him humiliating, which is why I guess it is my fav position....whether laying on the bed, side of the bed, chair, or couch in our room...(we have a huge master bedroom) was very humbling to go back down the stairs & eat dinner w our kids afterwards....I would say I do in fact get tingly before & a bit worried as to how far he plans to take the evening, as we r just learning.....moist, he would be better to answer that, since he is the one seems to pick at things to find reasons to punish me (since we only practice erotic spanking, but he doesn't want it to be totally faked, he picks at me till I talk back, etc.....just not fair., if I agree I do need punished, I submit totally.....if I wanna play more, since he forced me into talking back....I give him a little resistance, but that doesn't last long!! Of course I wiggle & move my feet a little, but hardly ever try to cover myself.....sometimes I'm sure it appears as if I am trying to crawl away from the pain.....hey, it hurts, what do u expect??? But the feeling of his dominance & loving me, reassuring me, kissing my back or shoulder, telling me he is all worth the pain......although on the flip side, I do like it when he seems aggravated & grumpy..... I like it so many different ways... |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 22 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 09:29 pm: |
I see. I see. I see. Well, Mbottom, you must concede the justice of your punishment if you indeed did talk back. This sort of thing mustn't be tolerated. Or if you fail to talk back, you must be spanked as well, because it is so obvious that you are talking back in your mind. And failing to talk back is being sassy, because you are in effect communicating is "Nyahh, can't spank my butt because I'm not breaking the no-talking-back rule!!!" And this flip behavior must be nipped in the, um butt. So you are going to be spanked whatever you do, and if you find this unacceptable, that is simply one more solid justification for behavior modification. In the fullness of time you will see the justice of this, Mbottom. And you must check in with us every time you get spanked. And I mean every time. |
New member Username: Brandspankingnew
Post Number: 14 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 - 10:52 pm: |
About time that someone see's my point of view....Mbottom is griping that u are a switch and was on her looks at Mbottom is being double teamed...ha Mbottom...u are going to be spanked and u are going to tell Warmpalm and the den about it!!!! |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 23 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 08:18 am: |
Full disclosure is a glorious thing, Mbottom. Justice is best achieved in full sunlight, or whatever the phrase is, right? I am definitely on your side. And on your husband's. It is to everybody's advantage that your spankings be fully documented in this forum. And where better? It wouldn't do to publish them in "My Weekly Reader". Or in "Popular Mechanics". Future historians will thank you as warmly as BSN will spank you. What's black and white and red all over? A newspaper. Well, it used to be read all over. Now people get all their news online. Kinda spoiled that old joke. What's red and red and red all over? Mbottom's heinie. What can I say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 24 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 08:43 am: |
I just saw this in the margin of my e-mail screen: SEO DIRECTORY SUBMISSION: 100% MANUAL SUBMISSIONS. Whoa Nellie!! Manual submissions!! Submitting to manual, um, what-have you! Rather cheeky, I daresay. I don't know what this ad is referring to. But I know what most of us reading this would like it to refer to. |