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Junior Spanko Username: Ftopinmichigan
Post Number: 184 Registered: 09-2005

| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 09:06 am: |
I've noticed the majority of posters here are into discipline and punishment, for real. I ONLY enjoy spanking for pleasure, and feel a bit of an outsider. Are there any others here, that spank cause it's just pure pleasure/fun? Just 'cause it feels good? 'Cause your partner "enjoys" it, rather than dreads it? To turn someone on, and not off? Not really looking to debate the issues, but would enjoy hearing that others really "like" spanking...or more appropriately, "love it!" K |
New member Username: Brooke_ray
Post Number: 24 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 09:26 am: |
Hi there....I'm Brooke and I am a Spankoholic. I lurk more than I post here at the Den...but I am a pure pleasure gal. Tho I enjoy different types of role play that might delve into the realm of discipline, I don't recieve or desire punishment spankings....I love to be spanked for pleasure, to me there is nothing more erotic than a spanking....I enjoy different degrees of spanking from a nice liesurely GG, to some that might be considered harsh....For those that know me here, they know I am crazy about leather...particularly the belt! To me, spanking can be foreplay, the spice for the main course, or it can be the full meal deal...(tho usually in my case one thing usually leads to another). I also do enjoy stress relief spankings, because to me that is a release and something I feel I need and for me, that is a form of pleasure as well. I have said often, that spanking can be just another form of making love.... I definitely love spanking for all of its wonders and pleasures... (Message edited by Brooke Ray on November 21, 2005) Trinkets and Treasure There are colors and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that are ours and ours alone...
Spanko Username: Pagan
Post Number: 288 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 09:47 am: |
K, I feel the same way. Spanking to me IS pleasure. IS sex. I wasn't spanked as a child, and have never been spanked unpleasantly as an adult. I'm a pretty dominant person in my own right (more so than my husband), and it's just not in me to submit to another. Some may argue that I'm submitting when I get spanked, but that's like saying he submits when I give him a bj. If I'm feeling stressed, then I do like to be spanked harder, but as Brooke says, it's still pleasure. Just a different kind. My husband would view a discipline spanking as 'hitting', and wouldn't go there. Neither would I.  |
Spanko Username: Beachley
Post Number: 193 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 04:42 pm: |
No FTop not at all. Mr. B and I generally only deal in play and fun. Sometimes skirting the depths of discipline but more in play and/or experimenting. I say generally because there have been just a couple of times that it went into a more discipline mode. If we are talking discipline - he can usually do so with his voice and as he states being emphatic in his manner. Very seldom does spanking and discipline go hand in hand. He may threaten very seldomly, but even then he will not usually carry it out in a spanking. He gets his point across in speech and looks. So we have more fun and play with ours spanking relationship. The Spice of Life is having my OWN WAY!! A spanking would be nice.
Junior Spanko Username: Redhinney
Post Number: 93 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 05:50 pm: |
FTOP, Yes W and I are into discipline but he also spanks me for fun. The difference being that spanking for discpline doesn't always end up in sex that day but usually the next but spanking for fun I can be sure we will be making the sheets, the sofa, the rug and anything else that one of us can lean on or lay on very hot. I know for us we will go thru periods of discipline spankings very often (we are in one right now) and than maybe it will stop for a couple of weeks. So if someone like me who loves to get spanked than the only option is fun spanking. Just for the record I don't normally brat just to get spanked. Belive me I get into enough trouble on my own |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 1761 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 06:00 pm: |
Spanking is ALL senual to me. I am a very strong woman and do not consider myself in any way to be the weaker sex. We play at me relinquishing, but in reality I answer to no-one but myself. I don't ever dread a spanking, and I don't worry about being hurt. It is all consentual and fun. The day that anyone thinks they can control me, is the last day they would be a part of my life. Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Junior Spanko Username: Celticbratt
Post Number: 94 Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 - 08:46 pm: |
K- I'm sorry you feel strange- Let me say with a VERY EMPHATIC HELL YES!!! I love spankings. Big G showed up today, with the intention of blistering my backside, for no reason other than I wanted it, as did he. I do enjoy spanking- I see it as a very sexual, sensual, fun way to play- it always gets me "In the mood"- But sexual spankings are quite different from punishments, even though they might entail the same things. Big G is kind enough to let me also play with a good friend of mine, who is a Top. I go see him once or twice a month.He loves to spank, and I love to be spanked. I relate it to going to get a massage...something I do for me- He is married, and his wife knows all about us, we do what we do with her permission. We don't have sex, don't play sexually at all- he literally is one of my best friends, who enjoys spanking....and I have a very spankable bottom. , so it tends to work out well.I go see him because I really enjoy the place it puts me in my head. So yes, in answer to your question, I primarily see spanking as an enjoyable thing. |
New member Username: Poofette
Post Number: 29 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 02:45 am: |
"Are there any others here, that spank cause it's just pure pleasure/fun? Just 'cause it feels good? 'Cause your partner "enjoys" it, rather than dreads it? To turn someone on, and not off?" Yes, yes, yes!!! Me, me, me!!! I enjoy being spanked, love to role play a scene with spanking at the center. The thing I like about D/s is that it usually entails lots of what I love most....spankings. I find it an extreme turn on. It's my itch and everything revolves around it. I find myself curious about discipline spankings in a full time relationship not because of of the stress relief or correction aspects but because it involves lots of spankings. I do think that it does work for some people and I can even understand the why's. Me...not so sure...I would probably just provoke my "top" by being especially bratty just to get me in my favorite position and I rather doubt that it's the "proper" mind set for that kind of relationship. Spanking turns me on period. Nothing even comes close to melting me then that. Not candles, not pure romance, not really long thorough lovemaking (although awesomely good in it's own right), nothing even comes close to the arousal level I reach when my bottom is being spanked. The intensity is amazing and my satisfication level is off the charts. You think you're alone out there K? Judging from the postings, I would have to say NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poofette |
Junior Spanko Username: Vulcano
Post Number: 59 Registered: 08-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 03:48 am: |
Hmmm, I love spanking for fun, it's sooo erotic for me too. When I used to be disciplined, I was always feeling that yes, I like it too, I somehow need it, but I also felt that I'd prefer being spanked just for the pleasure of it. Now, since we agreed that we won't do discipline because he doesn't feel well punishing me for real and I sometimes feel he doesn't spank hard enough for a punishment or that he tends to give me a punishment spanking for something I don't think I deserve to be spanked (and it just caused problems between the two of us, him feeling unsatisfied that I'm not submitting which he likes and me feeling I cannot submit which made me feel bad too), or because I didn't get the right spanking attention I needed at the moment. Well, since we agreed that we won't do discipline, I cannot help myself but feel sometimes I'd love to be disciplined too . It's so helpful, so motivating and it's sooo difficult for me sometimes to go the way I consider right by myself . But I guess it's just a trap that I could fall into searching the easy way out and hurt myself as well as him. SPanking for fun is great fun and I also found a great way of being spanked harder for the experience of true unpleasurable pain. It attracts me sooo much, but my man doesn't wanna step in there. Well, he will one day again. He loves severe spankings, he loves the spankee to be really suffering, he just avoids doing it himself because he doesn't feel well hurting anyone. But he has times he could administer a severe spanking, at least severe enough for me, I was spanked hard enough at times, for the discipline, it was the only way I could have survived such a strong pain feeling guilty enough and needing a very hard spanking that wouldn't please me... though I think he dreams even of a more severe one, but he'd never do that... he's a strange man, I used to think that he came to terms with his sexual orientation better than me as he was living it out much much sooner than me (we're almost the same age), but it seems to me that he'll always find it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that his body tells him he wants to see a woman spanked hard, but his mind and heart tells him a man shouldn't hurt a woman at all.... |
Junior Spanko Username: Ftopinmichigan
Post Number: 189 Registered: 09-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 08:41 am: |
I'd like to point out that I'm not feeling "strange" about it, but rather find myself surrounded more by those that really think of spanking, only as a punishment tool. I have yet to meet a single man (and by "single," I mean unmarried, as well as "one" man) that didn't want to be "punished," whether for real or in role play. Never met a man that wanted to be spanked, just cause it felt good, although I'm wondering now if they felt that was the desire for "most" and went with the majority desire. ( there's a thought) I don't find punishments fun in any way, although I have indulged a few friends in need. I found it to be a chore, and no fun at all. The old saying of "this'll hurt me, more than you" was really true for me. It was emotionally and physically exhausting, yet when spanking for pleasure my sessions can last two hours to all day. It's very tiring to meet someone that feels so flawed (or guilty) that they actually feel the need to be "punished" all the time. Sure, I know they must really "like" it, or they wouldn't do it, but the theme is always "punishment." I'm happy to hear some of you truly love it for the pleasure it can be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. K |
Junior Spanko Username: Celticbratt
Post Number: 96 Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 09:29 am: |
K- I have Met men who are into spanking just for the erotic thrill- Unfortunatly, it isn't my "thing" but I'll be happy to direct any worhty men to you- Michigan isn't THAT far away baby.... |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 1768 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 10:07 am: |
I just want to share this with you. My husband and I have decided to make the Thanksgiving long weekend to a full Thanksgiving week by taking off the extra three days from work. We have been starting each morning with a foreplay spanking followed by a quickie. What a wonderful way to start the day!!!!! Of course, the extra benefit is that we can have a very long romantic session again at night and his stamina is way up there. Oh I just love having someplace I can talk about this!! Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Spanko Username: Tammynx
Post Number: 159 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 10:24 am: |
Fanny that sounds like a great way to spend the week!!! My husband and I like to start the morning off like that too..however with a one year old we don't get many chances.. The older kid goes off to school and if we get up before the the little one we sneak in a quick spanking and a quickie. As for the first comment on the thread: My husband and I do have a D/D relationship. However we also have playful spankings. I find them all sensual. Even discipline spankings turn me on. I wish we had more time for fun spankings...but with kids it is hard. Its funny that you would feel like an outsider K...I always kinda felt that way too. I thought more people were into fun spankings more then punishment spankings. I get both and like both. The one thing my husband doesn't like and won't do is role playing. I always found that kinda least on line. But he won't even give it a try. He said he thinks it's silly. Well.....lots of things are silly.....doesn't mean I don't do it!! I guess I'm just a spanko all the way around....I love to be spanked...doesn't matter what kind!!  |
New member Username: Spankingcouple
Post Number: 14 Registered: 11-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 10:33 am: |
HI, it's good to see so many people practice a d/d lifestyle..I thought i was the only one that benefited from a good punishment spanking..Like i've said the punishemnt spankings are admin on Friday nights when my sis has the kids..I can kick my feet and cry has loud as i want without anyone hearing me..even though it's for punisment i know in my heart i need this spanking and i feel soooo good after a good cry.. trish |
Junior Spanko Username: Ftopinmichigan
Post Number: 193 Registered: 09-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 01:16 pm: |
Celtic, send them my way. What I've found is that even those men that "say" they love it, end up asking to be "punished." Can't get away from that, I guess. K |
Junior Spanko Username: Ftopinmichigan
Post Number: 194 Registered: 09-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 01:20 pm: |
So Trish, with this thread being titled "Pure Pleasure"...are you saying that your "punishments" are pleasure to you then? Or did you post this in the wrong section? Fanny and Tammy, it sounds like you're having a great time. A balance of good and evil? Sounds like a fun time ahead for all of you! K |
Spanko Username: Tammynx
Post Number: 161 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 01:34 pm: |
That is a good statement K...a balance of good and evil.... I like that  |
Junior Spanko Username: Ftopinmichigan
Post Number: 199 Registered: 09-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 01:39 pm: |
Yep. I have X-mas sweatshirts to reflect it is red, one is sez, "Naughty"...and the other, of course, sez, "Nice." I think some couples here might have difficulty figuring on which one wears which. K |
Spanko Username: Tammynx
Post Number: 162 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 03:47 pm: |
Spanko Username: Pagan
Post Number: 293 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 04:34 pm: |
I have Christmas pajamas that I bought at Old Navy last year. The bottom are striped like a candy cane. The top is red and says "I've been very good all year (mostly)" My other favourite is a now-faded ancient Tinkerbell t-shirt that says "Subject to frequent and unpredictable mood swings". I bought a green t-shirt at Old Navy a couple of weeks ago that says "Her Highness" in elaborate writing that is subtly interwoven into a stencil. Now, these all rightly belong to teenagers, but are fun for this bottom to wear around her middle-aged Top. |
Junior Spanko Username: Redhinney
Post Number: 96 Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 05:26 pm: |
FTOP, I think that the reason that most men want punishment spankings is that they are afraid to let go and admitt that the spanking for pleasure is OK/ Listen we are all here because we like to either give or get spanked. For me spanking is a way of life Idon't like it I loveit, crave it and I couldn't even think of my life without it. I admit to like spankings just for pleasure as well as punishmet. I don't think men have yet to admit that they like it for pleasure- hey their loss |
New member Username: Tmichellebrat
Post Number: 26 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Friday, December 09, 2005 - 12:17 pm: |
I enjoy spanking whether it be erotic or discipline. But when spanked properly for discipline it does work for me to change bad habits ect. It's been a long while since I have had any type of erotic type spankings but I do remember them very well and enjoyed them as well I find for myself that there is a certain level of excitment and anticipation when I know I am going to be disciplined by my Dom so I still find discipline spankings with him very enjoyable. My last D/s relationship was more on the "serious" side of things and now with my current Dom it's more fun even when punishing me so it's something that I have been having to get used too. I am having to recondition myself to what this Dom expects and what we both enjoy. I am not used to a sensitive, kind, and compassionate type Dom because for ten years I had the complete opposite so it's taking some time for me to get used to him but I am much happier with this man. |
Spanko Username: Shylah
Post Number: 495 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Friday, December 09, 2005 - 12:30 pm: |
I consider all my spankings pleasure. If he ever wanted to start in with discipline he would go up against a brick wall. I got enough of that as a kid. I want my spankings to be fun and part of the adult play they are supposed to be. Like Fanny says, I'm a strong woman and I don't need to be controlled. I know my mind and I know what I like. Take my heart and soul. But please don't step on it, it breaks easily.
New member Username: Humblebutt
Post Number: 10 Registered: 12-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 12:48 am: |
I derive pleasure from any spankings I get! I like to DD roleplay, and I can even get into the concept of getting a real punishment spanking, however only consensually. I'm not into having a real HOH, DD lifestyle because I like to be equals in my relationships. Neither my girlfriend (I don't have one presently) nor I should have absolute control over the other. For play and for some minor real issues -- mostly my procrastination issues -- I relish punishment spankings! I get pleasure from calm matter-of-fact punishment spankings, as well as angry, impatient punishment spankings in which I'm scolded, mildly humiliated and basically read the riot act as I'm soundly punished for my transgressions. Actually, I find all spankings quite pleasurable and I miss getting them a great deal! |
New member Username: Rex138
Post Number: 12 Registered: 11-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 01:34 am: |
I'm in the same boat with Humblebutt, in that I enjoy all spankings I get. Playful spankings and punishment spankings. However over the years, I've progressively inched my way into getting harder spankings. I LOVE all the emotions that come with a spanking, the anticipation, the adrelaline, the pain and of course the pleasure. I've always been one to push my limits which is maybe why I'm into harder spankings and now dabbling in punishment spankings. I still get both and I still love them both. I like getting spanked! rex "Stixn'Stones Luv"
New member Username: J1234
Post Number: 3 Registered: 12-2005
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 10:53 pm: |
I don't get "punishment" spankings, but I do get "emotional release" and "motivational" spankings, as well as fun/erotic ones. I love every second of the fun/erotic spankings, and even though my butt does not enjoy the other kind, I do love the way they make me feel once the spanking is over. I think it is very natural to associate a spanking with punishment, because throughout human history spankings have been used to punish, but the "punishment" aspect does not preclude the spanking from being enjoyable. In role-playing scenarios the "punishment" aspect can actually be very enjoyable to the bottom. |
New member Username: Rex138
Post Number: 16 Registered: 11-2005
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 01:09 am: |
Very well put J1234. I agree that you don't actually "enjoy" the other type of spanking until after it's over but there is such a "release" after those that IS very enjoyable. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Wolfie
Post Number: 851 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 11:03 am: |
Im sorry I missed this thread when it first came out, its nice to see everyone's perspectives. I love being spanked, especially by the man I love. Fun, playful and erotic spankings are the best...and something we do the most. Being held by him, feeling his hand on my naked bottom, his voice in my ear *sigh* it's pure heaven! The laughter and joy that goes along with our play gives me an endorphin rush that can last for ages. I get a very different kind of "enjoyment" from disciplinary spankings...the happiness and reassurance of knowing that he cares about my health and well being. Yes, he does show me the same thing in many ways, but this way seems to get thru to me easier and I feel an immediate sense of relaxation and peace afterwards. I am his, and he takes very good care of me in all ways. K, I too know several switches who have never said they felt the need for discipline. Every time Ive seen them spanked it was for purely fun reasons...keep looking, their out there. Or come to Paddles some time, I'll introduce you. I've bought 2 new items this year...a scarf embroidered with naughty on one end and nice on the other, and a sweatshirt that says "Dear Santa, define good..."  wolfie loves Steve more than anything else in the whole world...even more than chocolate and lobster! 3 wise men? Be serious....
Spanko Username: Beachley
Post Number: 212 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 02:40 pm: |
LOL - "Dear Santa, Define Good..." I think that is what you are not Wolfie! But look behind you and it is what I am! Ann The Spice of Life is having my OWN WAY!! A spanking would be nice.
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Wolfie
Post Number: 852 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 05:04 pm: |
Humphf! Since when? I think the reason that we talk more about discipline and punishment spankings, is because to those of us who dont role play but take them seriously, they can be a complicated and tricky thing. There's questions constantly concerning the dynamics of D/s, how much is too much, being taken to tears, etc. Otherwise, being spanked is a relatively simple procedure.  wolfie loves Steve more than anything else in the whole world...even more than chocolate and lobster! 3 wise men? Be serious....