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New member Username: Aka
Post Number: 8 Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 02:05 pm: |
JW, how many of you have given or recieved a spanking involving witness watching? That is one of the few areas I have only been in a few times. Like maybe 8 to 10 times in 20+ years of spanking. I gave my first spanking to my first girlfriend and have done so with every one since, to some level. But only on a rare occasion has it not been private. One girl used to like risky spankings, with a chance of being seen, but we only got seen one time as I recall, 2 girls were watching through an open window in her dorm, afterwards they smiled and waved at me. The same one asked me to give her a "Real hard spanking" while her room mate was there, who was very excited about witnessing and even said "Can I watch?", but my GF backed out on it being a bare bottom at the last minute, panties was her limit in front of the room mate who had not seen her in less, so it was just a so so thing. I used a hair brush, but nothing to brag on. Apparently she wanted a witnessed but did not want to admit it. But once I was in a long term relationship with a girl who was living with her older sister. The sister was more open than her. Much to my suprise my GF told her sister we were into it and the sister mentioned it while I was there, I just smiled. Later, I was wrestling with my GF and put her over my knee while she was wearing a night shirt instead of swating her I looked to the sister for approval, not saying a word. Her sister came off the couch in a flash with a devilish smile, raised the night shirt, bared the target and spanked her herself, she could not spank hard, it was mostly just humiliation. The sister was so gleeful she was literally hoping up and down, giggling like a little girl. My GF never said a word, did not resist and just layed across my knee and let her do it. The reaction of them both left me puzzled a bit. The sister was a bottom, but for some reason that was a treat for her. Guess it is a sister thing? I never saw her more excited. I would like to hear of your similare experiences. |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Bethie
Post Number: 1315 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Monday, March 12, 2007 - 12:37 am: |
I've been spanked plenty of times in front of others in the lifestyle, but only once in front of vanillas and that put a huge damper on things. My college boyfriend and I were hanging out one night with another couple (who were both very vanilla) when I teased him about something. He hauled me over his knee and started spanking me playfully. The vanilla girl hopped up and tried to stop him. I don't know why because I was giggling and still teasing him so it was obvious I didn't mind. I guess she minded though because she was throwing a fit and trying to grab his arm to stop him. He finally gave up because she was really freaking out. I was even telling her to leave him alone because we were just having fun but she wouldn't listen. I guess it just made her too uncomfortable and I felt badly about it. I'd never force my kink on anyone and it didn't really occur to me until later that making them unwilling witnesses that that's what we were doing. That was a shame, too, because she never quite got over it. She was always lecturing me about standing up for myself and how all those women who fought for equality would feel about me letting some guy dominate me like that. I went from being her equal to being some poor pitiful brainwashed girl. The lesson learned from that was only let the willing witness and only talk about your kink with the ones who share your kink. |
New member Username: Bratattitude
Post Number: 47 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Monday, March 12, 2007 - 08:11 am: |
Like Bethie I have been spanked plenty of times in front of others who share our lifestyle. I used to attend Munches and Play parties on a regular basis. I have also been spanked a few times in front of my best friend and her hubby -- who happens to be my husbands brother. They know about our lifestyle and they are cool with it. We hang out all the time together and travel and stuff so it is almost impossible for them to not know. at frist I do not think she understood it as well -- but over the years she sees how it is not "abusive" and it's not demeaning to me. It actually keeps me from what we call "Spiraling." meaning instead of brooding on something or getting into a depressed spell or becoming bitchy - sometimes a firm spanking puts me in check and I am able to calm down or stop misbehaving. I cannot say I have ever been spanked infront of anyone that it caused a bad reaction. As I stated in an earlier thread I was very open about it in my 20's and people I worked with knew about it. One girl was bothered by it so I just did not talk about it in front of her out of respect. |
New member Username: Aka
Post Number: 44 Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 10:07 am: |
Question for Beth & Brat, since you 2 have had witnesses to your spankings, does that distract from it, make it more erotic, or how how does it make you feel? I had know a spankee who's husband believed she got it on the spot no matter what the situation or who was there and when they did it it was a good one! But it was like afterwards, she was red faced and crying, but no big deal 15 minutes later. She had been seen bare bottomed by every one and spanked very hard for a about 5 minutes (With a belt), in front of some family, in-laws, and friends, at a Chrismas party (About 20 people), but life goes on. It always made me wonder what thoughts were going on through her mind during / afterwards. Like I wondered if she was more concerned with humiliation or her searing bottom? She had 3 sisters, all turned out spankees (Also there) so I thought her comfort zone might be much broader than most, all of them were very open about spanking, but it was always punishment, never 4 play with them. A good spanking changes things!
New member Username: Bratattitude
Post Number: 49 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 03:00 pm: |
Weeeeeeell... I'mnot exactly thrilled to be spanked like a baby in front of family or freinds BUT that is the relatinship we have and the rules that work for us. He would NEVER ever spank me infront of people who would react poorly to it. I sometimes can be pissy afterwards but I try not to be because more often that not that would just lead to more spankings so I try very hard not to get more. |
New member Username: Aka
Post Number: 47 Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 09:11 am: |
Yeah, that is what hit me, surely out of 20 or so people some one had a bad reaction. However, I only heard of 1 negative comment being said, "I don't think that was needed", almost like she was saying the spanking was fine, but she did not do that much wrong. That comment was from her mother! Apparently no one in the room was directly offended, indicating that was one major spanko bunch! Fun to hang out with needless to say! =) I can recall a 1/2 dozen or so good happenings that I or family saw. That was my father's best friend's family years ago. Guess that is where my bunch picked up on it, birds of a feather... Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My guess was the only way a girl could have a more erotic reaction to witnesses was if she also was a bit of an exhibitionist as well or if the witness were strangers and she could fulfill a fantasy and then never see them again, that is quite common, we will always go further when we do not have to face others later. But since this is research, I have to not have pre-determined ideas. A good spanking changes things!
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Bethie
Post Number: 1336 Registered: 04-2005

| Posted on Sunday, March 18, 2007 - 04:58 pm: |
With the exception of that one spanking, any other witnessed spankings have been when socializing with other spankos. They were mainly playful or flirtatous spankings so there were no intense feelings associated with any of them. With whichever partner I was with, we were just interacting with like-minded people and enjoying ourselves. Even though I've been in relationships that involved one level or another of discipline, I've never done anything in public that warranted being spanked on the spot. I suppose it's just my personality, but I can't imagine behaving that way in public. I can't imagine how my family would react but I know it wouldn't be good. I'm submissive only to Dan and that's a personal choice that involves only us. There's no one else who knows me that would ever suspect that's how our relationship is. To everyone else we merely appear as two people who are very much in love, affectionate, and always respectful of each other. The only difference when we're alone is that spanking is added to that. I like keeping it that way and so does he. Spanking is very personal to us and we keep it private. In fact, we've discussed going to parties and we've both decided that playing in front of people just isn't for us. When I did that before I was younger so maybe I've just become a stick in the mud. I'd rather think that maybe I've developed a bit shyness now.  |
Spanko Username: Aka
Post Number: 52 Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Sunday, March 18, 2007 - 11:00 pm: |
I would think most people would agree with you 2, but of course no accounting for taste. I could not help but think the the girl I knew would be mortified, but I supose if it was a spanko enough bunch that she had seen all the bottoms on the recieving end it may not have been as bad. Thanks for the in sight, being a top I just like to know how the other side feel! A good spanking changes things!
New member Username: Kittyslave
Post Number: 1 Registered: 09-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 08:43 pm: |
Personally, i love public spankings, but ina place designated for the occasion...sucha as a public dungeon etc. Once in awhile i get an urge to go out in the woods and get spanked...but that does not happen often.Mostly because the parks here a re pretty populated and also patrolled by the park service. it is fun though! |
New member Username: Marygrace
Post Number: 1 Registered: 11-2007
| Posted on Monday, November 12, 2007 - 10:39 am: |
the 1st time i was spanked in front of others was back in college. we were playing the game, "truth or dare" that Madonna made famous. i took a dare. and i was dared to come bend over the knees of a Domme. she raised my dress, ceremoniously lowered my panties, and turned my bare behind dark red with her palm. i have to admit. the element of a room full of friends i knew really made the experience very edgy for me. |
New member Username: Badbecky
Post Number: 4 Registered: 09-2007
| Posted on Friday, November 23, 2007 - 12:51 pm: |
My b/f loves to swatt me and my jeans even in public like at a mall just a quick 1 or 2 swats i will look around to see if anyone noticed and often someone did and was either smiling or looked disgusted, it embarrssed me. twice he has spanked me in front of friends.The first was Otk once just over my jeans with his hand and he had me squirming and kicking no crying. But i was embarrssed. 2nd time was over my panties skirt up and a much harder longer hand spanking that had me crying and squriming trying to fall off his lap. some of the people said harder, others were surprised how hard and long he spanked me. Now when i look back at this i like to recall it all and try to relive it |
Advanced Spanko Username: Tmichellebrat
Post Number: 203 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Saturday, November 24, 2007 - 06:12 pm: |
Just like badbecky, my boyfriend loves to playfully give me a swat or two in public and I also have looked around to see others reactions and 9 times out of 10 the ones who did see it would be smiling, one guy even told my boyfriend "good for you" lol , but we live in Texas so go figure. I think around here it seems to be more acceptable, at least that is what my thoughts on it are only because we have never had a bad reaction while in public. I have never been spanked in front of family or friends and that is because my boyfriend believes that is something between him and I only, and he won't spank me for punishment in front of others. And I just think it would be to much of a humiliating thing for me so I am glad he thinks like that Although he does correct me in front of family or friends if I am doing something that he does not approve of, and our family and friends doesn't seem to think that is odd and they don't say much...and if they do think it's odd they don't let us know. |
New member Username: Rimfire
Post Number: 9 Registered: 11-2009

| Posted on Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 09:54 am: |
i think (admin has requested as per site protocol that any discussion of underage activites be deleted immediately) (Message edited by fanny on November 28, 2009) |
New member Username: Scartlet_bottom
Post Number: 12 Registered: 01-2010
| Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 05:16 pm: |
Been a while since this post but since I'm new-I don't mind a playful swat on the behind in public but the serious stuff is for the privacy of the home. My guy wouldn't do it either(thank god!)But he might discretely warn me of what will be coming to me when we get home!!! Love means never having to say you are sorry but you will in the end Wah haa!!!
Spanko Username: Scartlet_bottom
Post Number: 27 Registered: 01-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - 04:59 pm: |
OK I've been thinking about this thread and I think I may not have been entirely truthful. With you guys or myself. While I would never be spanked in front of people I know, I have fantasized about taking a vacation to some S&M hide away where no one knows us and having both my husband and I trained in the art of spanking. I picture him being taught how to administer hours of sensual spankings and me being whipped in front of the class by my husband and the "teacher". I don't even know if such a vacation spot exists and the likely hood of ever turning this fantasy into reality is extremely thin but I really like the fantasy. Love means never having to say you are sorry but you will in the end Wah haa!!!
New member Username: Tommyboy
Post Number: 4 Registered: 09-2010
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010 - 02:48 pm: |
I have been spanked infront of my gf. We did a shoot, lots of fun. Knowing that she was watching made it more embarressing. The embarrassment is fun, both sets of cheeks blush lol. Since I really love the domestic feel spanking, I really wanna be in an at home situation. |
New member Username: 4pinkcheeks
Post Number: 15 Registered: 10-2010

| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 - 01:36 pm: |
To date, my only "public' spankings have been birthday spankings. Stay Pink! Love, Paula
New member Username: Strapslap155
Post Number: 2 Registered: 10-2010
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 - 01:41 pm: |
Paula, not only did I get my very first REAL spanking this morning, it was my very, very first one from another MAN. It was painful, powerful, and yes, very sexual. It was also public, as two other men and one other woman watched. I was made to keep my head to the left, and my eyes open---the onlookers were told to report me out if I closed my eyes---while they watched my smooth, pink backside taking Marlin's very sharp stinks from his hand and then from something called a Reform School Strap, which was a light brown, leather strap about 2" wide by 6" long held onto a leather handle. Let's just say that as the spanking and the strap's intensity grew, I could not have controlled whatever little modesty of exposure I had left back there, and my onlookers got a very fine, wide view of my deepst, darkest(literally) secret region. When I stood up, I had no privacy either, and I was told to walk to the back of the room with my hands behind my back. Having just been spanked and strapped to tears, I did so. Let's just say it was a HUGE thrill being watched in punishment and intimacy---a feeling. unlike any other ever experienced. |
Spanko Username: 4pinkcheeks
Post Number: 20 Registered: 10-2010

| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 - 03:58 pm: |
WOW--What a wild way to get your first real spanking! You're much braver than I am: the thought of being spanked naked in front of ANYONE is too rich for my blood. I'll bet being seen like that, and crying as well, must have been thrilling beyond the telling. Stay Pink! Love, Paula
Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 170 Registered: 03-2005

| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2011 - 08:09 pm: |
Post deleted - Remember our rules, please! |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Fanny
Post Number: 3726 Registered: 05-2005

| Posted on Saturday, July 23, 2011 - 04:13 pm: |
Public spanking adds to the excitement and drama for me. I will only allow it though if we are with like minded people. Knowing others are watching increases the disciplinary part of it. I was carried upstairs at a fetish party once for teasing and I know that those downstairs knew and could hear what was happening. It stopped my negative behavior immediately. Queen of Innocence "Well behaved woman rarely make history"
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 124 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Monday, August 01, 2011 - 07:17 pm: |
Imagine how effective a bad behavior-deterrent a spanking in front of thousands at the Superbowl during halftime would be!!! And if you don't shape up, missy, this is a definite possibility!!! |
Spanko Username: Tess
Post Number: 44 Registered: 07-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2011 - 08:50 am: |
Yes Paula you are right i know the feeling,it hurts its embarrassing and yet so sexually arousing.Being spanked naked in front of a male retaliative is great,ok it hurts but knowing his watching and eventually participating puts me on scale 10!After its over i'm allowed to smoke but only in the yard naked. I do not dare look up just in case a some one else is watching. There were times when i get to be blind folded and i would not have an idea what is going to be used next on my bottom. |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 126 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2011 - 09:26 am: |
I read somewhere about somebody who was spanked while being tied to a bed with a video monitor in front of her face showing her reddening butt. |
Spanko Username: Tess
Post Number: 45 Registered: 07-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2011 - 11:22 am: |
Aye,Aye that is some thing I'll never consent too!!! |
Spanko Username: Warmpalm
Post Number: 127 Registered: 05-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2011 - 01:41 pm: |
The Tess RedButt Show. No, I agree, not such a good idea. |
New member Username: Pretzel
Post Number: 1 Registered: 11-2016
| Posted on Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 01:07 am: |
I have been spanked in front of others many times. This has always occured at Fetish events. I think I would be very embarrased if someone saw me being spanked on my bare bum in a non fetish environment! |
Spanko Username: Subwife92
Post Number: 18 Registered: 01-2017
| Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 09:46 am: |
I have been spanked only in front of people who live the same lifestyle we do. However my husband doesn't make it exactly a secret if I misbehave in public. I have been spanked while on multiple vacations so all those people heard my bottom being blistered. I have also been sent to pick switches before so people saw me doing that and I'm sure put it together what was about to happen. I was spanked at a cookout of spanking friends a few weeks ago for rudeness ( not addressing one of the men as sir). I was spanked in the bedroom first then put in the corner in the living room. The general rule is first offense is in private but if you act up again it will be done in front of everyone. This has only happened to be twice. Once I ended up being paddled and the other time I got the belt. Worst spnkings ever because of the emabarrassment. |