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Spanko Username: Tony
Post Number: 33 Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Thursday, April 09, 2009 - 02:04 pm: |
I am in awe of the paddling skill, and enthusiasm of Lynne. She was my paddler for years until I met my wife, and the woman could paddle. After a seven year lay off, Lynne has taken my paddlings to a new level the past few months. She is the paddle Goddess, which is a totally sincere compliment on my part. I am so totally grateful, having a friend like Lynne. So, for the reasons above, I decided Lynne needed a custom-made, personalized paddle. (Lynne is a pseudonym, her real name has 3 letters) Oh yeah, it should be a paddle I fear more than any other. It would have her name, spelled in 1/4" holes, a total of 35. Wanting a paddle that would have a burning sting, combined with a powerful impact, I decided on 3/4" thick Red Oak. The blade 8" x 3-1/2", designed to fit low, and centered on my butt, tapering to a 10" handle; was the final design meeting with Lynne's approval. I made a trip to the local lumber emporium, and went through dozens of boards to select the grain I liked best. This paddle is to be the best I've ever made, the most beautiful, and most painful. It took about 8 hours, but it is now cut to shape, and I've begun the labor intensive sanding. Tonight I drill the holes, after Lynne "tests" it with a dozen swats. The idea behind this paddle is a perfect size for Lynne to swing with the ease and control of a ping-pong paddle. Super high paddle speed at impact, major sting. But the dense, heavy blade will have more impact than a 3/4" thick, 22" long, standard Maple frat paddle, and Lynne's paddle-swats are more powerful than any I've ever experienced. Major pain. And with 35 holes, will have an electric, burning, long lasting sting... to be continued. Tony (Message edited by Tony on April 09, 2009) |
Spanko Username: Tony
Post Number: 34 Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - 11:24 am: |
After pilot drilling thr holes, I decided that 3/16" diameter would be better suited to the task. A total of 34 holes spelling my paddler's name, all of them making contact with my butt, due to the size of the blade. I am now working on the holes. They are deeply countersunk, so I'm now sanding, sanding, sanding....LOL!!! With the impact this paddle will have on my bare flesh, the holes need to be smmoth as I can get them... to be continued. Tony |
Spanko Username: Tony
Post Number: 35 Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Friday, April 17, 2009 - 06:46 am: |
After sanding the blade down to 320 grit, I used 2 coats of sealant. After each coat, sanding again with 400 grit. Two highly polished coats of varnish, the "Lynne" is complete. Been taking a break from paddling, 12 days now. My butt is ripe, and ready for some serious swatting. I'll have to see what Lynne's schedule is, and give her new paddle some extensive testing. to be continued.... |
Spanko Username: Tawseman
Post Number: 68 Registered: 07-2008
| Posted on Friday, April 17, 2009 - 03:48 pm: |
Why did you decide on smaller holes? What is the difference in their effect? I have always wanted to make several identical paddles with different size holes and do a Science Fair project, but just never got around to it. . |
Spanko Username: Midnytedreams
Post Number: 78 Registered: 05-2007

| Posted on Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 06:25 am: |
will have to teach my little one woodworking tell her it is a bonding experience. then tell her she has to make her own paddle. She already pouts every time I tell her to go outside and pick out a switch from the bush. Thanks for sharing the idea. |
Spanko Username: Tony
Post Number: 37 Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 - 09:13 am: |
Smaller holes leave smaller welts. They will all blend together, and leave my butt solidly welted. With smooth, deeply countersunk holes, a long, tough, paddling will not break the skin. Small holes have a sharper feel, almost as if they bite into the skin. Also the smaller holes work better for spelling her name. Tony |
Moderator/Spanking Aficionado Username: Tammynx
Post Number: 2713 Registered: 10-2005

| Posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 12:14 pm: |
Tawseman we are always on the lookout for a new experiment here at the Den... I think it would be a great idea for you to make several paddles with the different holes and then let us know what you find out!!! |
Spanko Username: Tony
Post Number: 38 Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 11:27 am: |
The "LYNNE" got it's first test last weekend. A slow, fairly easy application of 10 warm-up swats. The warm-up was very painful, but I took it fairly well. Next, after a break, came 20 more serious swats. WOW, OMIGOD, Lynne was layin' 'em on me. Serious pain, any more and it would have been necessary to restrain me. After finishing off the 20 swats in a little over a minute, Lynne said, "I should get an award for that one!". I told her it was one paddling she should be proud of. She is exceptionally good at swatting, and this paddle suits her style of swats. But...after a break, as always, she finished me off with a half-dozen 2-handed swats with her board. Amazingly, my butt is ready for more after only 4 days. The "LYNNE" will now be her main paddle, and she says she will be wanting a lot of practice with it. |
Spanko Username: Tawseman
Post Number: 73 Registered: 07-2008
| Posted on Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 07:48 pm: |
Quote: Tammynx..........."I think it would be a great idea for you to make several paddles with the different holes and then let us know what you find out!!!" ------------------------------------------------ Yeah, I'm thinking along those lines. Probably a bunch of wooden paddles traced from the wood bath brush we like so much. With different size holes, pretty much in the same pattern, an oval following the pattern of the edge. I am thinking smooth (the bath brush), 3/16" 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2 inch holes. And maybe one with just two 3/4 inch holes. The paddles would probably be made of 3/8 thick Baltic birch plywood, as it is about the same weight as the bath brush, and is not prone to splitting. Previous experiments with holes in paddles have led to splitting. Since my wife is spanked only as foreplay, I would be the spankee for this. We are talking it over, and it looks like each session would use two paddles, alternating one to a cheek, until one cheek suffered skin failure. After a week or so to heal, another pair would be compared. After all were done, the "winners" would be compared to each other. And so forth until we had complete information on all of them. This, of course, would provide information on which hole diameter caused the most damage the soonest. That is fairly objective. The more subjective questions of which hurts more, would have to be answered by my observations and her observations on how much I flinched and jerked with each stroke. Of course, another method would be to not spank all the way to skin failure, just be sure that every paddle was compared to every other one in just one session. This, of course, would introduce another variable into the evaluation, the damage or pain that came before the paddle being tested. We would also learn which made the most satisfying sound, and which provided the desired balance between sting and thud, which, of course, varies widely form one individual to the next. Then, in the interest of science, we would have to repeat it all over with a wet bottom. All that information would have to be evaluated, then, with an eye toward what hole size provided the longest and most painful spanking before skin failure calls it to a stop. Boy, talk about suffering for science! . |